For all Illustration inquiries not related to children's books, contact AG Ford via email (below) with information about your project.
School Visits
Would you like AG Ford to Visit your School, College or Library? Mr. Ford loves speaking to students of all ages about children's books, art making, portfolio development, and achieving your goals and dreams. He also does live drawing for the kids and drawing/painting workshops along with his presentation. For rates, availability and more information on school visits, go to the School Visits Page. To CONTACT AG Ford for a school visit, please email agfordschoolvisits@gmailcom
For future authors; Mr. Ford's illustration services for children's books are contracted only after a manuscript has been acquired by a publisher. Once your manuscript is acquired by a publisher, you will be able to suggest an illustrator for your manuscript. Mr. Ford greatly appreciates any interest you my have in his illustrations for you manuscript, and wishes all authors the very best on their goals as a writer and creator. For more info on publishing, visit the SCBWI.
For Children's Book Inquiries
Represented by
Steven Malk
P: (858) 678 - 8767